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I just added the word insight on my bio. It’s been a while that I also want to share a deep thought about something which may be useful for everyone.
I welcome you all to share your thought as well, so please do not hesitate in doing so, your words might help others.

Somewhere along your life, you might come across a familiar saying that goes like this: Create Your Own Happiness. The saying might alter your perspective in which you might start to go by this saying in your daily activities or even your future plans, such as shopping the things you fancy,
take some time off by travelling or clubbing in the middle of your hectic and draining agendas, posting your photo on social media, etc.

No wonder then we also heard quotes like:
Shopping is the best therapy;
When in doubt, travel; or
There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.

All those quotes lead you to do things that could grant you happiness. However, with you doing those things, does it actually make you happy?
Or are you only pretending to be, where your mind subconsciously showing signs that you’re not, at all happy. ‘Pura pura bahagia‘ is a saying that Indonesians are familiar with. I guess most people that post contents on their social media are physical manifestations of that saying.

Happiness is not a result of a formula. It’s creation does not originate in the same manner as one plus one equals get two. You will not obtain happiness automatically by creating one or two. It’s a feeling, a gift from the almighty God. You won’t get genuine happiness, until God lets you.

Countless aspects are involved in creating happiness in which once you experience innumerable actions and conditions, then you might reach happiness. It’s God that plays the role of the master puppet, who can arrange everything in harmony and placing them the way they should be.
We, as a human have no capability whatsoever in creating one albeit we have the power to try, but the result lies only in God's hand.

In short, as long as you could compromise yourself with the level of happiness and mediocrity you’re having right now, you might just survive. However, real happiness is impossible for a human to create.

So, should we just forget and abandon our own happiness? Absolutely not.
Each and every individual across the globe deserves happiness, but focusing your goals in life only to reach happiness might lead you to hallucinate and experience numerous disappointments along your life.
Happiness is a reward, a gift from God in God's timing.

Thus, let us just wait in patience and in the meantime, preparing ourselves in receiving it.
What is there to prepare while we are waiting God's approval to grant us our happiness?
Ever heard the saying ‘If you are grateful,  I will surely give you more and more’? This could be related with happiness also. If you are grateful, God will surely give you abundant happiness.
But sometimes, we burden ourselves with numberless problems where those problems cause difficulties for you to be grateful. We could always try, but are you actually grateful? It’s not an easy thing to do for some people in such conditions.

Now hold on for a second and hear me out…
I could give you a clue that might help... peace.
List the things that give you a sense of peace.
Peace means love, unity, forgiving, and understanding...
Creating peace is much more easier then creating happiness, it is more measurable and real

Also avoid doing things that could cause stress, frustration, upset, hatred or worry.
Once you reach your own peace, you will feel grateful where then God, will grant you the ultimate reward, happiness.


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Pada tulisan ini saya hanya akan sharing tentang list yang wajib dikunjungi saat berlibur di musim dingin di Turki, mengenai detail untuk mengunjungi negara Turki, akan saya share di postingan yang berbeda. Cuaca di Turki saat musim dingin dapat berkisar sekitar 1 derajat Celcius, sedangkan untuk daerah pegunungan bisa mencapai minus 2 derajat Celcius. Terkadang yang membuat udara menjadi lebih dingin adalah angin atau wind chill yang terkadang lebih dingin dari suhu yang ada, terutama di saat hujan. Maka sangat di anjurkan untuk memakai pakaian tebal dan berlapis.  Hampir diseluruh pelosok Turki mewakili sejarah berdirinya kota Turki, akan lebih nyaman jika kita sedikit berbekal ilmu sebelum berangkat mengunjungi tiap-tiap obyek wisata. Sehingga saat kita berada di tiap-tiap situs sejarah, kita tidak perlu berlama-lama mendengarkan pemandu sejarah di masing-masing obyeknya, mengingat udara dingin membuat kita tidak nyaman jika harus berlama-lama di luar ruangan.